Ah, the inaugural “Hello, World” post. It’s a holiday weekend, and I have finally run out of excuses for not maintaining a blog. So, here we are.
Since this site’s been dead since 2006 or so, allow me to catch you up to speed.
- 2005–2009: Completing my undergrad in biology and chemistry in Great Falls, MT. Lots of freelance work.
- 2009–2013: Starting and finishing a master’s in computer science in Missoula, MT. First office programming jobs, teaching, and an unhealthy number of side projects.
The last few months have been pretty crazy for me, but the dust is finally settling.
- May 13: Defending my master’s portfolio surrounded by a close group of friends.
- May 17: Leaving my friends and coworkers at Biomimicry 3.8.
- May 18: Graduation! Left for Portland that night.
Slammed. Am I doing it right? - May 20: Started my new job at The Clymb!
- May 20-26: Apartment hunting. Painfully assembling IKEA furniture.
Getting lost repeatedly (I later broke down and bought an Android for
Friends don’t let friends assemble IKEA furniture alone. - June: Pushing out a new version of The Clymb, coping with free time (i.e., riding trials daily), picking up skimboarding again, and slowly exploring Portland.
I am interested in blogging again because I have a few interesting projects rotting in GitHub, so I’d like to write about them and future recreational programming projects. Additionally, I want to document my trials riding progress. In the words of Tobias Fünke, let the great experiment begin!